Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight

My biggest challenge after holidays is always to measure my weight.


Mostly I travel to new destinations, with different cuisine, and as gourmand I like tasting, eating... This is also time when I rest more (and being less physically active), I allow myself to enjoy in flavours of: ice cream, baguette, Spitz Aperol,.. who wouldn’t?

This summer I spent two weeks on a small Croatian island. I took with me some groceries, I use often in my kitchen, as I assumed they will not be available in local stores (like chia, balsamic vinegar, agave syrup,..). Beside market place our stove was also limited, and as soon as I turned on two heaters, the system shut down for overheating. So our meals were simple.

With regards to this situation I adjusted, and decided not to worry before I return home. And yes, 14 days later, my beam scale showed 2kg more! Instead my ordinary 53,5kg, I had 55,9 – almost 56??? The reason was obvious – wheat and irregular meals!

Whenever I can I use organic and locally grown food. I also like cooking different cuisine (Japanese, Chinese,) but mostly stick to Mediterranean, Paleo and South Beach diet. I do not consider them diet, but a choice of healthy lifestyle for me and my family.

In an ordinary day I have five meals: for breakfast shake or porridge (oat, amaranth) with fruits and seeds, or crackers (corn, ray, buckwheat) with eggplant spread or peppers with bacon or pancetta; lunch and dinner have plenty of vegetable and meat (mostly chicken and turkey) and fish; and fruits in the afternoon. I finish my dinner with a glass of vine, and before going to bed I drink a herbal tea.

Why do I mention all this? Cause – Life is here to enjoy! If I have to live on a leaf of salad, without anything that gives me good vibes just to stay fit, this is not acceptable for me.

I really do not deprive myself of food, I consume moderately beans, milk and dairy product (mostly a bit in a morning coffee, I use rice or almond milk for shakes, or natural yoghurt). I use rye, buckwheat, barley, millet, oat and corn or rice pasta. I mostly bake protein bread (I like to add nettle or chard), or rye sourdough bread, but also sometime I prepare french baguette, or simple whole wheat bread because of that gorgeous smell of fresh baked bread! Of course, this happens once a month!

There is no hunger if we introduce regular meals, avoid dangerous foods (sugar, marmalades, chocolate, wheat, breads, pasta), and use better quality options! This will give your body energy for the day! A week after I returned home, with no special diet I had again 53,5kg.

The book "Wheat Belly" written by author William Davis presents in details how our organism takes wheat and how unhealthy and harmful using wheat is for us. Read for more, it will change your view, I am sure!

If you struggle to lose weight, it is time to change your approach – introduce regular physical activity, regular healthy meals, start to control your emotional and mental state, explore your beliefs, … Life has many doors, but you need to open them.

MY ACTIVE WORLD is also here for you. To start, get your FREE counselling (based on Questionnaire), and participation in the closed FB group in 30 days to boost your healthy habits to get a better life. From there I will lead you trough the first step – being active, and love your body! In this program you can consult a nutritionist, herbalist, and get advice how to pumper your body by NIKEL organic cosmetics. All this will make your life ACTIVE and HAPPIER!

Author: Klara Benko

"Ako želiš promijeniti svoj život, nikad nije kasno početi raditi na sebi. Upravo tamo, u dubini, naći ćeš sve potrebno za zdravlje i dug život. Rado ću ti pomoći na tom putu".

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September 25, 2017


Od Najbolje sam dobila tijelo koje ima energije, glavu koja razmišlja o hrani, metabolizam koji je stabilan i redovit, recepte, znanje o zlom svijetu koji nas hrani kapitalizmom, a ne pravom pšenicom.


September 20, 2017


Zelena soba je moja čahura, moje mjesto za obnovu, odmor. Volim dolaziti jer Klara uvijek pokaže da mari i brine za svoje klijente.


September 11, 2017


Termin Klarine masaža ne propuštam! To je tretman za moje tijelo i duh.


August 20, 2017


Danas nakon tr​eninga sam se opet izmjerila i izvagal​a​.​ ​Zna​č​i, smr​š​avila sam preko 3 kg​. ​Odu​š​evljena sam!